All anglers participating in a Carolinas Bass Challenge event are expected to abide by these rules and regulations. All decisions by our tournament directors on all matters after gathering the best available and reviewing it thoroughly is final. Failure to comply with these rules can result in disqualification.
These rules were last updated: January 9, 2025
- MEMBERSHIP – Each angler entering a CBC Trail is required to register as a Team – either as a 2-person team or as a solo team membership. A team membership costs $104, and a solo team membership costs $52.
- PARTNERS – You must declare your team as a traditional 2 angler team or a solo team at your initial registration.Note, by selecting a SOLO TEAM MEMBERSHIP you are committing to being a solo angler for the entire 2024 season. You MAY NOT ADD A TEAM MEMBER LATER
Any angler under the age of 18 must have signed approval from a parent or legal guardian. Additionally: Anglers under 18 must fish with a parent or legal guardian, OR with a signed approval from a parent or legal guardian, they may fish with another angler who is over the age of 18. Each angler must also possess a valid fishing license.
- SUBS & ALTERNATES – A team may use a Sub or Alternate in one CBC Qualifier. Subs must have a paid 2024 CBC Membership to be eligible to fish. Using a Sub in one qualifier will allow a team to earn points towards their season points total. A TEAM IS ALLOWED TO USE A SUB ONE TIME. NO SUBS WILL BE ALLOWED TO FISH IN THE CLASSIC.
Substitutes must be declared by the registration deadline (Wednesday at 11:59PM).
- CBC CLASSIC QUALIFICATION – You will have to create your 2024 Team before registering for any 2024 CBC Events. For a team to become eligible to enter the 2024 CBC Classic, a team or solo angler must finish in the top 100 in the Points of the Division your team or solo angler is entering. The top 100 teams in the points from each Division will qualify for the CBC Classic. 200 teams will make up the CBC Classic field. On the 1st Day of the Classic all Qualified teams will compete. The field is cut to 75 teams on the 2nd day. A team may use a sub ONCE per division which will count toward the team’s point total. Either member of a team can fish solo and will count towards a team’s point total. Solo teams may Qualify and will be eligible to enter the Classic as a 1 man team. If a Team (2) qualifies for the Championship and one member of the team cannot attend the Classic, the other member of the team may fish the Classic as a solo angler. If for whatever reason a partner misses the 1st day of the Classic, he can join his partner for the 2nd day or vice versa. A member of a qualified team cannot partner with a member of another qualified team. During the 2 practice days, you can only practice with the following: Solo, Partner, Wife, Husband, Daughter, Son, Grandson or Granddaughter.
- HOLE SITTING – A team having someone who is a competitor or non-competitor sitting on a location for the sole purpose of holding the location for the team will be disqualified. This rule violation will result in the competitors and non-competitors being disqualified from any and all future CBC events.
- POINTS –1st place will receive 310 points, 2nd place 309 points, 3rd place 308 points etc. Teams not weighing in will receive 20 points less than the last team to weigh in at each event. Each Division point-winning team will receive $1000.00. Each 2nd place point team will receive $500.00. Each 3rd place point-winning team will receive $250.00.You must be present at the CBC event to receive points. Failure to check-in will result in zero (0) points being awarded. Those who check in, but do not weigh, receive 20 points less than the final weight’s point total.
- DEFINITION OF A PRO – Anyone who has paid an entry fee of $3,500 or more in the past 12 months is prohibited from entering any CBC event. Additionally, individuals who have competed as a professional in tournaments that do not require an entry fee—such as the Bassmaster Elite Series or similar circuits—are also barred from participation in CBC events.
- GUIDE – Any angler that has guided for bass on tournament waters within 30 days of the official event for any method of compensation will not be allowed to enter.
- START TIME – The majority of CBC events will begin at safe daylight and end at 3:00 PM unless weather is a factor. There may be more than 1 flight. If there is an exception the tournament hours information will be posted on the CBC web site.
- TROLLING OR LONG LINING – Trolling or Long Lining will not be allowed at any CBC event and will result in disqualification. No live bait is allowed. All fish must be caught on rod/reel and artificial bait.
- LIMITS – All CBC events have a 5 bass limit. Length limits will be determined by the SC or NC DNR length rule in effect for the tournament lake. A four (4) ounce penalty will be deducted for each dead fish weighed. The four (4) ounce penalty (.25 pounds) will not be subtracted from a team’s Big Fish but will be deducted from the team’s total weight. A team bringing more than 5 bass to the scales will result in the loss of the team’s Big Fish. The decision to weigh a BF will be left entirely up to the team. A team must have a working livewell.
- BLAST-OFF POSITIONS & FLIGHTS – A team’s blast-off position is by random computer draw. Blast Off order will be posted on the CBC website the Thursday before the Event.
- The off-limits period for any CBC event will begin at 12:00 am the Monday before each event and end Thursday night at 12:00 am. The Friday before each CBC event is an official practice day. No contestant may be on designated tournament waters for any reason during the official off-limits period.
- The 2024 CBC Classic will have a 2-day practice period consisting of Wednesday & Thursday before the Classic.
- The only areas of a lake that will be off-limits are the areas designated by the state DNR and areas deemed by CBC to be off-limits.
- INFORMATION – No information may be purchased, bartered, or solicited from any person who entered official tournament waters during the off-limits periods for all CBC events.
- CULL RULE – Cull when limit (5) is reached. Not culling will result in one (1) warning. 2nd violation will result in disqualification,
- TIES – In the event of a tie the prize money will be added together and split 50–50 between the two teams tied.
- LATE PENALTY – One (1) pound per minute will be deducted from a team’s total weight for each minute the team is late. Returning to the ramp more than 15 minutes past the designated weigh-in time will result in disqualification.
- POLYGRAPH – Winners and participants are subject to a polygraph exam at any CBC event. Any angler who has failed a polygraph exam in the past 15 years will not be allowed to enter a CBC event. Refusal to take a polygraph for any reason will result in disqualification.
- ALCOHOL, ILLEGAL DRUGS & FELONS – No alcohol or illegal drugs during tournament hours.
- WEATHER – In the event of heavy fog, lightning, heavy rain or any other weather-related problems, the Director can postpone or cancel the tournament. This decision will be made by the CBC Director. Trailering will not be allowed at any CBC event
- CELL PHONE – Cell phones may be used during tournament hours for family, business, and emergency calls. No cell phone discussions pertaining to fishing during tournament hours.
- PAYBACK & ENTRY FEES – Pre-paid entries are non-refundable. The entry fee at all CBC events which will include Qualifiers and the CBC Classic will be $200 per team. ALL ENTRIES ARE DUE WEDNESDAY BY MIDNIGHT THE WEEK OF EACH CBC EVENT! ZERO EXCEPTIONS!
- The CBC Trail will feature a 100% PLUS format!
- The CBC will pay 1 place for every 7 entries.
- CBC Qualifiers will feature a 1st place guarantee of $10,000.
- $1,000 Big Fish award at each event.
- 1st Place at the CBC Classic will receive $50,000
- CBC Skeeter Bonus to Skeeter/Yamaha Owners: 1st $5,000, 2nd $2,500
- $2,500 to the top placing original buyer Skeeter/Yamaha from Marshalls Marine
- or Foothills Marine. The owner must be in the boat for all tournament days.
- LIFE JACKET & KILL SWITCH – Each must be in use while big motor is in operation. Failure to comply will result in disqualification. Life vest must be Coast Guard approved. Excessive speed and reckless driving will result in disqualification.
- OVERPOWERING – Any boat equipped with a motor exceeding the Coast Guard approved rating for the boat will not be allowed for use in a CBC event. The decision will be determined by the Tournament Director.
- ASSISTANCE (Break Down) – If a team receives assistance from a competitor or non-competitor it must be brought to the Directors attention for approval. If possible, a phone call should be made to the Director to receive clearance for any help a team receives during tournament hours. If a call cannot be made the instance must be brought to the Directors attention before weigh-in. One team member can return to the weigh-in with the team’s catch in another competitor boat or noncompetitor boat. A team member can exit the boat in case of a call of nature, emergency, or paying for gas. A team member cannot exit the boat to advance the boat into a fishing area.
- PROTEST – All protests should be made to the CBC Director within 15 minutes after scales are closed. All decisions by the CBC Director are final. CBC reserves the right to refuse anyone membership.